Thursday, January 11, 2018

Community News 1/11/18

Day 4 Week 1 1 Samuel 8; 1 Peter 2:13 - 25

In today’s study we will consider the difference between a Title and a Tendency.

In I Samuel 8:1 - 5, humanity grew weary of God’s “invisible” Triune theocracy. They demanded of Samuel that he provide them with a physical king . Though this grieved God, he indulged the people’s desire for a “visible” king and tasked Samuel to anoint this new King.

The life of Samuel is pivotal in Israel’s history. Even as a child, Samuel was given his own ephod -- a garment normally reserved for a priest as he ministered before the Lord in the tent of meeting at Shiloh where the Ark of the Covenant was kept (1 Samuel 2:18; 3:3). He was known as a priest. He was also known as a prophet, as he anointed the first two kings of Israel. He was also the l ast in the line of Israel’s judges (their role of kingly leader), and was considered by many as the greatest Judge (Acts 13:20).

Samuel represents the first human authority accountable as a prophet, priest and king. Triune. When the people had grown weary of God’s leadership, he allowed humanity to settle for imperfect human regimes. However, through Samuel, he still intervened to guarantee that earth’s leadership structure would still remain Trinitarian.

In the New Testament church, God’s leadership style is still Trinitarian, in that elders, deacons, and deaconesses are clearly to oversee the church in a multiple leadership structure, for its own protection, shepherding, and growth in truth and maturity. Whereby, the father, mother, and children are still what constitute a family structure. In “Title,” these positions carry their labels, but in “Tendency” we all are inclined to carry out our roles, or types of ministry and service, in either a more priestly, prophetly, or kingly way.

You may have the title of parent, sibling, employee, or various other professional, ministerial, or family titles, but you have a tendency, just like our God, to carry out your work in a specific way.  In
today’s study, consider your own tendencies.

                                                                                        Adapted From: Spiritual Gifts - You Version