Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Community News 6/24/14

Midweek Worship!
Todd will be teaching tomorrow night on The Real Battle For America from Ephesians 6:10-13. Join us for snacks at 6 PM and worship at 6:30.  Sunday he will continue speaking on The Real Battle For America from Ephesians 6:14-20.

Good News!
Two middle school students gave their lives to Christ last week at camp!  Please pray for these new believers and for the high school Dominican Republic team as they return home on Thursday.

Mission Opportunity!
Allen James and the Sleeping Child Church have asked for our help at a Christian School in Hamilton, Montana.  They need significant amounts of volunteer work such as painting, landscaping, and minor carpentry work anytime between July 13th and August 9th to prepare for the upcoming school year. If you are interested, email Shannon@brevardcommunity.org or alan@brevardcommunity.org as soon as possible.

Life Jackets!
Chris Schlender will be taking kids tubing this Sunday! If you have any kid sized, adult small or medium life jackets that he can borrow, please bring them to Chris by Sunday morning.
VBS Needs Your Help!
If you would like to help out with VBS but are unable to volunteer, VBS is in need of a few items. Dry white rice, plastic bottles with lids (preferably Gatorade, soda, or water bottles), toilet paper rolls, any kind of plastic with the recycling number 1 sign, sequins, beads, and glitter can be dropped off in the welcome center in the blue tubs.  We appreciate your help!

Pig Roast!
Invite your family and friends to the pig pickin’ on Wednesday, July 2nd at 6 PM in the worship center.  Please bring a side item and we will provide the meat.  We are excited to gather together with you as we celebrate our independence!

New Adult Bible Study!
An 11-week Bible study of Ephesians will begin on Sunday, July 13th at 8:15 in the green room.  Sign up by Sunday, July 6th by emailing Sheila@victorychurchproducts.com or sign up at the welcome center desk. The book cost is $22.50.  Checks should be made out to Brevard Community. 

Kingdom Quest!
Rising 1st through rising 6th graders are invited to Kingdom Quest from July 14th to July 18th from 9 AM to 5 PM here at BCC.  The cost is $95 per child but if you register by July 3rd you receive a $10 discount! Register online at brevardcommunity.org and click on forms on the right hand side then click on Kingdom Quest.
Share Your Story!
If you haven’t submitted your testimony please do so by visiting brevardcommunity.org and clicking on forms on the right hand side then click on my testimony or you can pick up a form in the rear of the worship center.