Friday, May 9, 2014

First Connections Ministry

Did you know that a first time church guest will make up his or her mind within ten minutes of arriving at the church property whether they are coming back to church or not? Before they hear the great music or the convicting message they have made up their mind. So, showing the love of God through welcoming all is imperative! With that in mind, we are working on taking the hospitality ministry to the NEXT LEVEL, with the formation of First Connections Ministry. Not "first impressions", because we are not trying to impress anyone. We are trying to connect them with God!

Under the umbrella of First Connections there are four major ministries.

1. Greeters - those welcoming faces at all the doors of the church. They greet you with a "Good Morning & Welcome to Brevard Community Church" as they hand you an announcement sheet. This ministry also includes our kitchen ministry. Isn't it great to have HOT coffee on a Sunday morning? 

2. Guest Services - these volunteers welcome our first time guests, escort them to any location they may need, answer any questions, and distribute gifts to guests. The Guest Services desk is located at the back of the Worship Center.

3. Host Ministry - these dedicated men and women are in the Worship Center every Sunday, welcoming all, and helping you find a seat.

4. Traffic Team - these volunteers manage the flow of traffic, allowing for easy access to and from our facilities. These volunteers really are the "first connection" to our guests.

All of these ministries are vitally important to Brevard Community Church. And besides that, they are just plain FUN! So come join a great team. If you are new to the church these ministries are a great place to start serving!

If you have an interest in serving in First Connections please call Kathie Briola at 862-8069. I would love to speak with you!

You may be someone's first connection with Jesus Christ and Brevard Community Church.

In Christ,
Kathie Briola