Friday, November 1, 2013

My Hope

"A Crusade in your living room" is the way the My Hope Outreach with Billy Graham has been described.

Next  week beginning November 7, which is Billy Graham's 95th birthday, our nation has the opportunity to hear about the Hope that is within us. However Billy Graham will not be speaking in a large arena or stadium; he will be using the homes of Christ-followers like you and me. He is asking us to invite some of our family and friends who need a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ to come to our homes and share a meal together. After the meal we will watch a program telling them about Hope. In this program our guests will hear testimonies from folks whose lives have been changed by entering into a relationship with Jesus. They will also hear Billy Graham explain the Gospel. After the program, we will then tell them our story of how we were born again and how Jesus Christ has changed our lives. We will then give our guests an opportunity to trust Jesus as Savior and enter into an eternal relationship with Him.

So "Look Around" for those who need Jesus. "Look Up" by praying and asking the Holy Spirit to direct you to those folks. "Look Out" for opportunities to build relationships with those around you. "Look Forward" by preparing yourself spiritually; abiding in Christ. "Look After" by planning to disciple those who trust Jesus as Savior. 

Please join together with Christ followers all over our nation in reaching our friends with the Gospel. For more information go to or call the church office at 884-5932.

Grace and Peace,
Alan Perry 
Missions Pastor