Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just Because.

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven." - Matthew 5:16

In the final days of Jesus' life, He had dinner with his friends Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. By the end of the week, He would be experiencing horrific torture, humiliation, and abandonment on the cross, but on this evening, He was feeling the love of friends. 

"Mary came in with a jar of very expensive aromatic oils, anointed and massaged Jesus' feet, and then wiped them with her hair. The fragrance of the oils filled the house." - John 12:3

Some of the disciples saw this as a waste. This perfume and the jar itself was so incredibly valuable! Why not sell it and spend the money on something else? But Jesus saw Mary's heart and saw this as a compassionate gesture of extravagant, overwhelming, all-consuming love. A dear friend surrendered her most treasured gift. 

We are surrounded every day by people who need a demonstration of God's love.

You never know what kind of impact your time invested and your heart poured out can have on someone.  

Let it be our goal to daily do something for someone else without expecting anything in return. 

Work done with no complaints. Coffee made before your spouse wakes up. Encouragement for your child through a thoughtful gift. 

Jar broken. Perfume spilled. Just because. 

Precious Lord, set a fire in us for people who do not know You. Let Your compassion and brokenness for these people consume our souls. 

Let us pour out love as You do.... just because. 

Just a reminder: We will not be having our MidWeek service tonight because of VBS! Enjoy a restful evening with your loved ones! 
And join us this Sunday as we lift up and give thanks for our earthly fathers while we glorify our Heavenly and Eternal One on Father's Day! See you at 9:30 or 11 AM!